Superpixel Benchmark
Superpixel benchmark, tools and algorithms.
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Evaluation was based on five datasets; these are briefly introduced in the following. The pre-processing, formatting and conversion tools used are detailed afterwards.
Dataset | Link |
[BSDS500](bsds500) | Web |
[NYUV2](nyuv2) | Web |
[SBD](sbd) | Web |
[SUNRGBD](sunrgbd) | Web |
[Fash](fash) | Web |
Downloads of the pre-processed datasets will be made available here: davidstutz/superpixel-benchmark-data
Sample images of all datasets are shown below:
The Berkeley Segmentation Dataset 500 [2] was the first dataset used for evaluating superpixel algorithms. It consists of 500 images, each with 5 different ground truth segmentations of high quality, divided into a training set of 200 images, a validation set of 100 images and a test set of 200 images. For parameter optimization, the validation set was used.
[2] P. Arbelaez, M. Maire, C. Fowlkes, J. Malik. Contour detection and hierarchical image segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 33 (5) (2011) 898-916.
The ground truth was used as provided, however, converted from .mat
format to .csv
format. The converted dataset is not yet available.
In order to manually convert the BSDS500 dataset, use lib_tools/bsds500_convert_script.m
folder into data/BSDS500
(overwriting the provided examples in data/BSDS500/images
and data/BSDS500/csv_groundTruth
). Also note that afterwards there are three folders: groundTruth
, csv_groundTruth
and images
, adapt the path to the directory, i.e. set BSDS500_DIR
correctly.The instructions are also found in lib_tools/bsds500_convert_script.m
The NYU Depth Dataset V2 [3] includes 1449 images with pre-processed depth. Semantic ground truth segmentations with instance labels are provided. Following Ren and Bo [4], the ground truth has been pre-processed to remove small unlabeled segments. 199 images were randomly chosen to represent the validation set and 399 images where randomly chosen for testing.
[3] N. Silberman, D. Hoiem, P. Kohli, R. Fergus. Indoor segmentation and support inference from RGBD images. European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012, pp. 746–760. [4] X. Ren, L. Bo. Discriminatively trained sparse code gradients for contour detection. Neural Information Processing Systems, 2012, pp. 593–601.
The randomly chosen validation and test subsets can be found in data/NYUV2/nyuv2_train_subset.txt
and data/NYUV2/nyuv2_test_subset.txt
(note that the validation set corresponds to the train set in this case).
The ground truth was converted to .csv
files after thinning unlabeled regions. The converted dataset is available in the data repository: davidstutz/superpixel-evaluation-data.
In order to manually convert the NYUV2 dataset and extract the used validation and testing subsets, use lib_tools/nyuv2_convert.script.m
contains nyuv2_test_subset.txt
, nyuv2_train_subset.txt
, nyuv2_test.txt
and nyuv2_train.txt
, set NYUV2_DIR
to point to the data/NYUV2
directory.The instructions are also found in lib_tools/nyuv2_convert.script.m
The Stanford Background Dataset [5] combines 715 images from several datasets. The images are of varying size, quality and scenes. The semantic ground truth segmentations provided needed to be pre-processed in order to guarantee connected components. Validation and testing sets of size 238 and 477, respectively, were chosen at random.
[5] S. Gould, R. Fulton, D. Koller. Decomposing a scene into geometric and semantically consistent regions. International Conference on Computer Vision, 2009, pp. 1–8.
The ground truth was converted to .csv
files. The converted dataset is available in the data repository: davidstutz/superpixel-evaluation-data.
To manually convert the SBD and select validation and testing images, follow lib_tools/sbd_convert_script.m
contains two folders: images
and labels
contains sbd_test.txt
and sbd_train.txt
, adapt the variable SBD_DIR
below to match the path to data/SBD
.The instructions are also found in lib_tools/sbd_convert_script.m
The SUNRGBD dataset [6] contains 10335 images including pre-processed depth. Semantic ground truth segmentations are provided and need to be pre-processed similar to the NYUV2 dataset. Validation set and testing set of size 200 and 400, respectively, were chosen at random. Images that are also included in the NYUV2 dataset were ignored.
[6] S. Song, S. P. Lichtenberg, J. Xiao. SUN RGB-D: A RGB-D scene understanding benchmark suite. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015, pp. 567–576.
The ground truth was converted to .csv
files. The converted dataset is available in the data repository: davidstutz/superpixel-evaluation-data.
To manually convert the dataset, follow lib_tools/sunrgbd_convert_script.m
and SUNRGBDMeta.mat
to data/SUNRGBD
; note that this may take quite some time! It might be wise to extract the contained directories (xtion, realsense, kv1, kv2) separately.lib_tools/sunrgbd_convert_script.m
, adapt ROOT_DIR
to point to the data directory (i.e. the parent directory of the SUNRGBD directory).The instructions are also found in lib_tools/sunrgbd_convert_script.m
The Fashionista dataset [7] contains 685 images with semantic ground truth segmentations. The ground truth segmentations were pre-processed to ensure connected segments. Validation set and training set of size 222 and 463, respectively, were chosen at random.
[7] K. Yamaguchi, K. M. H, L. E. Ortiz, T. L. Berg. Parsing clothing in fashion photographs. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012, pp. 3570–3577.
The ground truth was converted to .csv
files. The converted dataset is available in the data repository: davidstutz/superpixel-evaluation-data.
In order to manually convert the dataset, follow the steps in lib_tools/fash_convert_script.m
can be found.